An image of lines of code on a computer screen against a black background
New Mexico Tech

Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity

Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity Graduate Program Information

The Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity graduate programs are part of the New Mexico Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NMCCoE) located on the New Mexico Tech campus. 

All programs are available via distance delivery and on campus

Funding is available for high potential candidates. 


At New Mexico Tech's new Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity program, we're looking for unconventional thinkers who want to make a difference to tackle some of the hardest questions of the 21st Century. Questions about data, your data, and how it's protected online. Questions of national security, and of your own financial security. Questions that require a new way of thinking. New Mexico Tech is looking for people ready to answer those questions.

Traditional programs build a foundation of knowledge in computer science. This is a start, but at Tech we've built a more holistic program, for a more accomplished cyber-professional.

Employment of information security analysts is projected to grow 33% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations (8%).

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

85% of all data breaches are caused by one variable that Computer Science can’t factor for - human error. That’s why New Mexico Tech’s Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity program requires its students take “Psychology of Cybersecurity,” studying the human element behind data breaches.

From computer science to ethics and law, risk analysis, and psychology, the Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity graduate programs are designed to make sure you'll have the tools necessary to succeed as a cybersecurity professional. Located in the New Mexico Cybersecurity Center of Excellence on the campus of NMT, this exciting new program is available via face-to-face or distance learning.


Student Quotes



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Program Information




NMCCoE Main   NMCCoE Cramer 132
Lorie M. Liebrock Director 575-835-6729 NMCCoE Cramer 132A
Jessica Torres Admin. Specialist 575-835-5558 NMCCoE Cramer 132B

Please email us with any questions or concerns at  (NMCCoE, Cramer 132)